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Sorig Aid A Charity Project of SKÝ

Our History

A baby that was born from emergency on 27th April 2015…two days after the devastating earthquake in Nepal on 25th April 2015 that had left thousands dead, many more injured and without a home. Many sacred shrines and monuments were reduced to rubble. And many communities in the remote villages were struggling to cope with the tragedy.

With the emergency situation and thousands of patients in need, our compassion was put into action. The Sorig Aid project was initiated by Dr. Nida Chenagtsang with the support of Sorig Khang centres around the world and coordinated by Jacqueline Yu, Head of SKI Activities and President of Sorig Khang Singapore. Sorig Aid together with our team in Nepal, SKIN began to focus relief effort in immediate healthcare and serve the needs of survivors for medical aids and relief supplies directly in various regions of Nepal.

Our mission and vision.

As Hippocrates said: ‘Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity”.
Through Sorig Aid, we hope to use the Sowa Rigpa art with compassion to help disaster victims and all patients at the best possible level
~ Dr.Nida Chenagtsang

To bring Sorig doctors, practitioners and therapists together in medical camps; providing sorig consultations, treatments and herbal remedies to patients in need.


To bring Sorig doctors, practitioners and therapists together in medical camps; providing sorig consultations, treatments and herbal remedies to patients in need.
Putting our compassion into action to realize our mission of helping all patients in need.


Putting our compassion into action to realize our mission of helping all patients in need.
We endeavor to increase awareness for Sowa Rigpa art of healing through our activities, thereby decreasing suffering and increasing happiness for all our patients, and through this may all our doctors and practitioners increase their joy too. May all beings be happy.


We endeavor to increase awareness for Sowa Rigpa art of healing through our activities, thereby decreasing suffering and increasing happiness for all our patients, and through this may all our doctors and practitioners increase their joy too. May all beings be happy.
Public health camps are ongoing and will continue regularly, administered by doctors from the team in Nepal. And now from Nepal and beyond….


Public health camps are ongoing and will continue regularly, administered by doctors from the team in Nepal. And now from Nepal and beyond….